Risk Management

We help you develop a comprehensive financial plan that will provide you with the resources and the confidence to live a great life.

Insurance Advice

Whilst our goal is to help you live your best life, part of this involves ensuring that in a worst-case scenario you and your loved ones will be taken care of should the proverbial bus have you in its sights.

Insurance is an important part of your overall financial plan until/unless you have accumulated sufficient money to ‘self-insure’.

We will:

  1. Assess your insurance needs (if any) considering your age, income, dependents, assets and liabilities, health and pastimes.
  2. Evaluate your options, comparing terms and conditions, exclusions, waiting periods and premium costs.
  3. Provide recommendations to ensure you are protected.
  4. Help you through the application process including any underwriting requirements that may be necessary.

Your needs will change over time, and we’ll regularly review your coverage to ensure it remains appropriate.

Claims Management

A major health event or the death of a loved one is extremely stressful.

Dealing with the financial implications on top of everything else can be traumatic.

If you find yourself in this position, we are able to assist you by reviewing the insurance cover you have in place and assessing your condition against the policy terms to determine the potential for a successful claim.

If we believe you are eligible to claim we can assist you through the process, simplifying it and giving you space to focus on dealing with everything else.

As part of this process we can help you make sense of your current financial position, and how you can manage the proceeds of the insurance claim (assuming it’s successful) to maximise your position and ensure your able to continue doing the things most important to you.